Thursday, March 29, 2012

Progress Achieved

Progress Achieved

As you know in Brainium, every point in Space and Time is a Brain, a new Brainform, a new Mindform, a new design of an Observer, and every combination of points in Space and Time, every combination of items, elements, and entities, every concept, every design, no matter how disjoint is a new Brain, a new Processor, an Observer, etc. so the Mountain is a new Brain design, wildly different from ours and processing information (and undergoing an experience of existence and life and living, a new Lifeform a new Consciousnessform and experience of life and such so wildly and incredibly different from ours, trillions of times "Higher" and "More Advanced" and "Better" than ours and such) in a very wildly and completely different way from our Old Klunker of a Stone Age APE MAN BRAIN. So imagine what the car over there is as a Brain as an entity experiencing a lifeform and existence and consciousness: and imagine what the pebbles, and the ocean wave over there is as a new brain design and such, and imagine all the combination of material items and designs, all wild contraptions and such, a chunk of a highway, a chunk of a Stop Sign and a chunk of Food and a chunk of a Skyscraper and a chunk of a car dashboard and a wristwatch and such all mixed together to create a completely new and better and wild and interesting Brain Design, a new Brainform, a new form of Man Brain (maybe using other designs as signals as emotion subsystems, as circuits or neural networks, as thought machines, as the arguments of the functions as the Variants of the instantaneous Invariant a new Man Brain Design is and such), but actually of the Overman, as it is something that completely overcomes our puny one transistor circuit mind based on our puny Identity Principle and non Contradiction Principles and such.

But now, each brain decides to modify each other brain, each contraption decides to stick wild chemicals and signals into the other contraption and that other contraption becomes a new brain and that brain decides to modify the other brain so A modifies B, but then B modifies A and so on in an infinite loop, so the original universe from which A came from is lost forever, all reference points are lost forever now they are brainforms modifying each other reciprocally and recursively forever getting further and further away from the original universe, the memory of the past is gone forever and such, and then all of the points of Brainium are doing the same thing to all other points: the entire Monolithic Slab of Matter defined and delimited as Brainium self modifies itself recursively, ever faster and forever reaching infinitely higher levels of existence all stable infinite points, all achieved, all higher, and ever more metaphysical denotations and abstractions becoming real and such forever, all symbols upon symbols upon others all mixed, all experiments of all combinations forever 10^10^10000 (exponents of exponents, numbers so large you couldn't fit them in the universe) new combinations each one infinitely further away from the previous and such.

So the entire idea of Absolutes falls apart in a jiffy: you just need to instantly change the wiring of our Man Brain instantly, just shove new circuits inside the Brain, just open the brain, mix it all up and close it, and you get the Instant Singularity, you don't need Science or Reasoning, or the Evolution of something gradually leading to a Smarter and Deeper brain as in the Traditional Singularity that thought that Computers would reach a point of designing ever smarter computers into a singularity point, you just need to instantly and wildly experiment inside the Man Brain (as crazy as possible, be as illogical and contradictory and wrong as possible, invent the most impossible causes and effects just for fun (lie like crazy), like shoving a V8 engine in the Man Brain making it become a new Experiencing contraption, and then explain how it works later, make up all kinds of imaginary and fake and make believe mechanisms to justify the insanity, and then who cares if the Man Brain simply dies in the process, the goal is (was) very ambitious anyways, it justifies all and any experiments) chaotically and randomly inserting and mixing and changing the neural circuits inside it to reach a new experience and universe, etc.


Wednesday, March 28, 2012

No Absolutes ?


Said this myself very often: There are No Absolutes, but then it just ends up going into an infinite Recursion, since any Relative entities or items must be based on Absolutes, some Invariants, but any and all Invariants have Variant parts of them and are composed of/can be Variables and so on. The solution is to take it is a VAGUE IDEA, AN APPROXIMATION, AN IDEA THAT IS STRUCTURALLY CONTRADICTORY, BUT THE CONTRADICTIONS ARE OK SINCE YOU WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO ELIMINATE THEM, etc. The problems is thinking in Absolute terms like saying "There are NO Absolutes" meaning every point in Space and Time and every Entity imaginable and Every anything else and such. The problem is in the word ALL, you can't see ALL and be sure, you can't talk for the entire Universe and for all Time and for all Possible Possibilities (and Combinations of Matter and Possible Interactions and Events and such as in New Modified Man Brains plunging into a New Instant Singularity by suddenly and immediately changing the Neural Wiring of the Mind and such or dumping Wild Chemicals, Wild Symbols and Signals in the Man Brain), the problem is with the Universals and Generalizations.

So just say, There are not Many Absolutes, Most things Seem Relative, But I may be wrong, etc.

The Deception of Progress

The Deception of Progress

As a corollary of the "Information is Equal to Problems", "Information is Equal to New Problems" therefore we do not need any further information on anything: "The Biggest Lie in History has Been the Lie Of Progress".

The idea of progress, of "going forward", of "getting better", of "Improving" of "Scientific Progress", of "Overcoming Problems and Achieving a Result" and stuff is the biggest lie in history, is not true, is essentially impossible and so forth. And why ? because there is the law of conservation of problems, and similar laws of conservation of conflicts, of pain, of problems, of fights of you name it. And why is this ? because the Man Brain is an old contraption that works according to a one bit universe, a one transistor circuit based on the Identity Principle and Non Contradiction and constant conflicts with itself and with other Man Brains as in you say A and I say B (or NOT A), you want something and I want the same therefore Resource Contention and such. And fights and conflicts.

Because even if you do obtain some result and progress, it will always be short lived, it will only last up to a certain moment and then get destroyed or disappear or something else will come by and make you lose and such. Of course just as you can assign and define the idea that Information is the Problem, so you can assign the opposite that No (or less) Information is the Problem, and strive to achieve more information and such: either way, it is a variable, something assigned for no reason at all, just because, another one of those arbitrary assignments the Man Brain makes pretending that is has any value or is related to anything absolute, but if there are no absolutes, then nothing at all matters or even exists and such).

The greatest state of Existence is Death, Pure Death, Nothing at All, No Existence, No Information, No Goals or Tasks, No Identity Principle and Non Contradictions, Pure Oblivion, Pure Nothing as Nothing Forever, as in Please Give Us Back our Nothing Forever, our Pure Nothing Forever and such (but as a corollary if Death is the number 7 and life the number 8, then there is a number 3 and - 45 and 4,788 and such where each one is a more extreme state of the corresponding state of Existence on the scale of Existence Types and such). So as such a Baby doesn't Progress and go forward with time, doesn't evolve, but goes backwards, goes from the maximum state of not knowing and Innocence to the hard coded piece of turd that it will become as the years go by and create ever new constraints, memories, rules and laws, and social conventions and all else since each new knowledge and precision gained is actually detrimental, is the baby going backward, becoming ever more primitive compared to the maximum state of Innocence and Oblivion and Possibility that it is when starting out. We start out life at the maximum level of achievement and evolution and progress possible and gradually keep on going backwards, ever more backwards until we become this huge hard wired turd of the stable and static and typical Man Brain.

Another interesting thing is the "common world" as all Man Brains share this common world, this mirror image of a world where all items exchange and relate to and communicate to express that they are all living in this "common reference system" and what happens to one Man brain is equivalent to what happens to another and such, so strangely intimate as information and the common world make all Man Brains belong to One only, but at the same time so divided and conflictual and such.

We must change the design of Man Brains, shove in new Microprocessors with new programs, new circuits, new Chemicals, New signals, new block diagrams of new possible designs of Minds and Mindforms and Man Brainforms (notice how contradictory I am, as the whole idea of New is based on Progress and Better, as going forward and such, but I thrive on contradiction, contradiction is a sign of Progress and a sign of a deeper and more valuable thoughtform), connect the wires in the most radical fashion, connect all the information subsystems in the most colorful ways, total information disjunction from itself, you can do it man, trillions of new block diagrams where everything is new and changes, new emotion structures, new thought machines and memory patterns, new universes and virtual simulations (as the world is all a simulation since our sense organs only receive electrical signals that are then converted into a worldform, but these signals can be converted and formatted into any other worldform, any other meaning and universe and such).

What is this "New" (what a joke the word "New" is) Mindform experiencing ?

"Q JJE $ % % %%KKD KD K$$$ %%%%%%%%%% ))$===$)))))))))))) $))%MM NOMOO$ %Iii3919485nmkm5 "

All contradictions are welcome, all attacks are welcome.


Information Creates Problems

There are no solutions, end of story.


Information Creates Problems

The Information is the Problem, Creates Problems. If you don't know anything, everything is fine, you don't have anything to compare to, but if you have information you start comparing things, and wanting more or different or seeing the relationships you otherwise were oblivious to and such. So information create instability, desires, tasks and goals and conflicts and desire to change and modify and act and fight or anything else based on the new information, the new facts or events that you now know and receive (and you now know who is winning and gaining and who is losing and such, who is the winner or who has the upper hand and you want them to not have the upper hand anymore and such). But in the end, you just have ever more problems, ever more failed goals, ever more frustrated desires or you take sides on ever more affairs (and issues, political issues and such, and thinking about, getting mad and angry and such and trying to figure how how "to solve the problems the new information set up in your mind" as the information generates thoughts and work for your mind (the Information Generates our Work, Generates Work and such), ever more work and problems and anger and debates and conflicts, the whole bag of crap and such) hoping your side wins and such, ever more fights ever more anything, when you were fine before you got the information and such. And in fact the "Information Economy" should more correctly be called the "Problem Economy" as ever more new problems, desires, goals and task are generated by ever new information, ever more changes, as information provokes changes, and choices and fights and so on.

But it is said that some information maybe avoid future pain if you know something, if you avoid something and such, but in the end it is always vain, you will end up in pain or defeated always by something else and such, there is the law of conservation of pain, or problems, nay, even the law of conservation of information in that more information is just the old information dressed up with a different dress and provoking the same old ever new problems, goals, tasks or whatever (the new information is just a new instance of the same basic Information Relationship all information has, a one bit universe, A against B, A different from B, convert A to B, set the target B starting from A and execute the steps to reach B and such). For example you know that a road is dangerous to travel you avoid it, but by traveling the new road you end up randomly getting a flat tire but you try to change the tire and then another car runs you over: if you traveled the old road you wouldn't have gone to the hospital and such: but of course the entire idea of predicting and guessing the right events that you will be subject to is impossible because the events don't exist until they occur and since not even god, history or the laws of physics know the next state of the entire system of Matter - Mass energy the entire universe will transit to, the entire idea of avoiding pain is a falied goal, a failed endeavor. Of course you can try to avoid the most obvious mistakes, but even in that case, you never know and such.

Hence we must get rid of all information, kill information, we don't need to know anything, the less we know the better off we are and such. The less we know the more advanced we are, the more we know in a sense, the more we have won and have achieved and such, and in fact totally dead items don't know anything and are totally stable and satisfied.


Saturday, March 24, 2012

The information is the work

The information is the work

I read some news, the information talks about some conflict and contrast between 2 political opinions or effects or economic choices or greens against buildings and a never ending array of things like this. But that information creates your job, employs you, the information is the work since your mind is activated playing out the conflicts, taking sides, trying to figure out if there is some solution, when there will never be any solution as Man Brains are contraptions that have no solution and just want to fight, the fight is their natural reaction to their boring existence, the boss wants to fight because he is bored, the economy wants competition so people can fight since otherwise the economy would stagnate, wouldn't change constantly, as if change creates wealth when in all truth change dissipates wealth in useless fights and such. The information is the work, the task, the job, information alone, by existing already creates tasks and jobs and work and such.

I read of a company owner who killed himself because he had too many debts, was rich but killed himself: what an irony and paradox, you are rich and kill yourself because the relative situation you find yourself in means that you lost the game, you are losing, but the guy didn't measure the situation absolutely, if you have so much cash just hose the entire game, but no, he would be bored, they need risks, games and fights and then they kill themselves and such. A lot of people who don't want to risk and fight and who live on peanuts are essentially richer and happier, they don't want to compete, but the dominating Right Wing Thug mentality wants everyone to fight each other so they can compete and wants everyone to work hard and such otherwise you are a failure, a loser, lazy and deserve to be beaten up. The republicans love to beat up people with all of the Hard Work BS, they love to punish the lazy freeloaders and such, but then they just kill themselves when they lose. The guy had debts and managed alot of money but is or was poorer than who just gets by.

We need scott free salaries to all 10 billion people worldwide, 800 dollars a month and cheap rents, 200 dollars a month for a 4 bedroom house for all on earth. of course, even if that were given, the reciprocating Man Brains would find some other item they can use to crush others, like maybe paying for water, paying 1,000 dollars a month for some water, but you have a cheap home and a free salary and such.

Thought is trying to encapsulate all items, theories are trying to inglobe all events but fail, you can't solve eveyone's problems everywhere and for all time once and for all since the law of conservation of problems is always operating, you can improve some statistics but not much more and then the situations can change from one moment to the next and such.

It is as if all of our models and theories are trying to create some stable objective narrative of events and the economy and interactions when in all truth no stable narrative will ever be possible, there is no narrative or theory even, there is nothing at all, only one shot quirk - fluke events all based on random free wills expressing themselves and fighting another free will just because, for no reason at all, and producing some large scale random events, like in the economy, you outsource 1,000 jobs and you destroy a local community just because, to make some more cash and such, but no matter how hard you try to analyze it, or talk about it, or debate it, no matter what laws are written, no matter what you or a community try to do, the events will happen anyways and automatically, as if nothing influences nothing else although we are always trying to make believe that we all have this power to influence many things when in all truth we can't influence nothing at all ever.


Friday, March 23, 2012



Like when a love one dies, you feel pain, but only because it is a denotation, an Information Structure and Memory Structure of the Mindform of a Man Brain where the real physical pain/pleasure circuits are gradually substituted with virtual, imaginary, cultural pain/pleasure circuits (and what others imagine and what you think they think of you and what you think their judgements are of you and what the importance of the arbitrary judgments are to you as another denotation, indirection, invention of the Man Brain to torture itself, to always put itself in conditioning "Objective" and "Independent" circuits when it could easily choose to be completely free and BE ITS OWN BOSS), you live the imaginary loss or pain of the Other Mind and other Man Brain as if it were real physical pain and your own (you project on to the other as if it were yourself, but in a sense, it is even more than yourself, the denotation makes it even more real as it is even more virtual and abstract, like what a parent feels for his son and such) when in reality it doesn't exist, if only in our complex cultural construction of reality. In other words, the less dependent and the less real physical direct pain/pleasure signals and impulses affect us and condition us, put us in automatic action - reaction circuits, the more important and elaborate and complex and indirect and social/cultural, theoretical, the more elaborate the thought condensations and thought structures justifying and defining what is pain/pleasure and good/bad and a win/lose we are subject to. The laws of conservation of pain/pleasure: the less real pain/pleasure impulses the Man Brain is subject to, the more indirect cultural pain/pleasure circuits are activated (invented and created, associated and such) by the Man Brain, the more we need to win and if we don't win the more pain, but it is only imaginary concepts and items. Your team lost the game, you cry, but it is only a few bits, who could care less ? And now repeat and apply that concept to all, even the deepest and most important of all, of course you become "No Longer Human" this way, you become a New Man Brain if even only very slightly. Or maybe sometimes an informational loss can imply a real pain/pleasure, but after a long time and very indirectly and such: you lose your job, you have no heating and a warm house after some time and such.

And as a corollary, this explains all the attempts at influencing what others think of us, their judgments (we want to make them happy and provoke a good judgment of us in their minds, but their minds will forever be an unknown no matter what they say, etc.) we think others think of us, what they imagine about us, we want to know the truth of their intimate judgments and feelings towards us, but that truth is irrelevant and arbitrary, but we are slaves to fixed Instinct Circuits.


The Task

The Task

A function, an activity gives a path to success, to express a will power, any activity is a win, no matter what (just as people walk the dog, they express their will power, their task, their goal, their input -> manipulation -> output target achieved), any event is a success achieved, even no event, anything that reflects the minds intention into a sequence of physical activities as the Mind over Matter relationship is expressed and this is the goal of all and any interaction, as all interactions are equivalent independent of the pain/pleasure circuits, although the pain/pleasure circuits gives us a predetermined path to follow and such.

When we communicate, we are communicating with an imaginary Reaction Machine made up of the sum of all of the past reactions of that machine (the Man Brain you are talking to, the person which is just a chunk of Mass Energy solidified into Matter and pretending to be stable), we are in Reaction Expectation Mode made up of the circuits and neural networks of the person you are talking to, you are talking to a circuit that gives you a glimpse into what circuits are activated in the opposing party's circuits, in the similar but different chunk of matter the other person is, in the attempt at making believe that the two chunks are similar but are really different but they are equal, but the communication is attempting to establish how similar and equal or different, how independent another chunk of matter containing a will power gadget is from you and such. The next interaction with a person is always a guess and experiment if some circuits will or will not be activated, but if we are only interested in the information the other person emits, then at what point is their material substance even important ? Pure virtual relationships and such is all we need : we are simply a block of text connected to circuits and memories of potential reactions.

Just as a number unifies all of the entities in the universe, a number creates a pure monolithic slab of delimited Information from its surrounding environment, so do words, sentences, blocks of texts, communications, bits and such. Since anything can be a number and can be connected to a number, and all numbers connect all of the disjoint items that it can express, so do texts, language and thought that is a pure monolithic slab of metaphysical and platonic properties of nothing at all since it is outside of Matter (and thoughts are simply a sequence of symbols, hence a sequence of numbers or just One Single Big Number and such), so do thoughts and expressions of relationships and measurements and logic and numbers and symbols and sequence of symbols and thus sentences, blocks of texts and thought etc. There is nothing at all, just a substrate of Mass Energy ready to be molded into anything a free will agent desires, etc. and such.

So 3 cars and 3 doors and 3 stars and 3 mountains are all connected by 3, and the number 3 solidifies and produces a single pure monolithic slab of contradictory entity (the doors and stars and mountains are merged into a pure entity expressed by 3, it finally gives them meaning and existence, they can only exist if they are numbers, if they are everything else they are not as all numbers merge all items into themselves and into all other items), as an item cannot be a star and a door at the same time but numbers do exactly this, they unify everything to everything and express them all as numbers. And the number has no extension in Space and no existence in Time as it is Timeless, Eternal, Outside of the Universe, it is an entity that is outside of the universe looking into it, and being used by the universe to connect itself to all of its various parts.

And just as numbers connect all things together into the same item, so does thought and language and blocks of texts and bits and Information Relationships expressed by Mindforms which are themselves outside of the universe and such. So if everything is outside of the universe, what is inside it ? a void universe where only numbers exist and express themselves as thought and logic and language and bits and blocks of texts are themselves just numbers and all separate minds are really all one mind that is talking to itself, separate instances of itself, it creates imaginary separate people and minds, and the boundaries between them are produced by the free will gadgets, the sea of free wills are the reference system where the single mind(s) is talking to itself by creating independent parts through the free will points in the monolithic slab of pure mind made up of multiple minds and such.


Thursday, March 22, 2012




The entire idea of Modifying brains is to produce the same experiences of everyday life (but the goal is not everyday life, but a richer and deeper and more complete life, ever more alive, infinitely more alive, etc.) using Less Matter, ever smaller chunks of matter, ever more Energy Efficiency: you don't need all of the Matter and complexity of Machines and Cities and Earth and such to produce the experience of a living life: you probably only need a few transistors in a modified Mind in the end, and you can achieve a much deeper, longer and fuller life, by many orders of magnitude greater: you don't need so much matter, so many heavy weight entities, legs, arms, food, buildings, cars, etc. just a few small bits in a microprocessor, just a small nanocircuit using only a few atoms in the end. And imagine what could be created using trillions of atoms, entire new universes, wildly richer than ours, infinitely deeper, infinitely more real experiences, infinitely more alive, as alive as we are compared to a pebble (but are we sure the pebble is not alive ?) the new Brain is to us, and the cycle repeats trillions of times higher, etc. and such. Amplification of effects, you use less matter to perform the experience.

The entire idea of communication of transferring bits of information from one chunk of matter to another is to be sure that the 2 chunks of matter belong to the same universe, that they are similar, that they can understand each other, they want to be similar or the same, total metaphysical insecurity imposes that random chunks of matter communicate between each other, they want to know what is happening "over there", to be sure they are not missing out on something new or important or better, (or want to imitate the other chunk of matter, to see if the effects are the same in different points of space and time, but can never know) or want to tease their imagination and Mindform, Brainform trying to imagine the indirect experience occurring "over there", in that chunk that is a mirror of the source chunk, that is an imitation of a given chunk, chunks of matter (as people are chunks of matter organized in a certain way so as to seem similar or equal but can never know ?), comparison and equal, similar ? envious or happy or sad according to what happens to the reflection of a chunk of matter as the mirror image reflects ? matter wants to be the same all over the place so as to be the less independent and the less surprising ? the free will gadgets measure differences or impose differences ? the differences and non equality produce events that produce existence and meaning or does matter need unequal to define itself, to be itself, to exist, to not disappear into an oblivion of virtual existence ?

The equivalence of chunks of matter, that is why we compare each other, we imagine what the other chunk of matter experiences, imagine the experience the pebble is going through ? and the pebble imagines the experience the mountain is going through, and the "experience itself" is imagining the experience the Sun is going through as all is a Brain, a Man Brain, but not a Man, a Brainform, a Mindform, as we live in a monolithic slab of Brainium where all of the delimitations, boundaries are different modified Brains and Minds, wild contraptions with wild signals going on inside of them, wild and crazy chemicals and symbols producing wild things and signals and so on.

The laws of conservation of conflicts and contrasts, the laws of conservation of fights, the fights will always be, no matter what, you just change what the fight is "about" (and fights will always be reproduced no matter what, if you solve one conflict a new one will pop up in some other arena to compensate the solution of the past fight (just as the law of conservation of problems is always operating, no problem will ever be solved, if you solve one, a new one will pop up no matter what, etc.), to continue the fight with new variants), not the invariant that is the fight, therefore we need to hose this old clunker of a Man Brain, and design new Brainforms.
But our Man Brain uses the fights as a way to define itself, to program itself, to give it a target and tasks (to win), it needs to fight to exist.







As a number can come from anywhere, any measurement, any calculation, can represent and denote anything at all, anything that is decided upon by the Intentionality of Use of Free Will Gadgets in Brainforms. But the Number also unifies everything (and demolishes the Identity Principle, everything is everything else, and is not itself and such, and Numbers also are a tribute to Pure Contradiction, Contradiction expresses itself and lives through the decomposition of all entities and items into Number forms, calculations, measurements and such), connects everything with everything else, everything, no matter how disjoint and unconnected and remote, no matter how far away conceptually and practically, no matter what, everything and anything is composed of this fundamental elementary particle called the NUMBERON as it can be decomposed into a number, it can be a number of some sort, 3 trees, 3 cars, 3 suns, 3 stars are all composed of the same Elementary Particle, the same NUMBERON "3", they are all Solidified into "3", 3 makes them one entity, 3 delimits them as being the same entity no matter what. Just as anything you see is a representation of Time Solidified, of Time Condensed into a Solid State, into Matter (Time to Matter Converter or Time to Space Converter or Time to Extension Converter), as the extension of matter is the crystallization of events that have solidified into Matter and each next particle of matter or delimitation of an imaginary entity of matter (as matter is delimited in our mind only according to our Intentionality of Use, and our Memories of Pain/Pleasure as have been programmed by the invariants of our Mindform under the guise of pain/pleasure circuits and neuron circuits that the King of Natural Evolution decided to endow us with, etc.) is a picture of a past or present or future event that has been achieved but is always being played out over and over again (nay, an infinite number of times (nay, more than infinite) as a solidification of an event makes that event eternal and forever, always that you accept this particular interpretation of Solid State Time, as there are many other equally valid decodings and interpretations and such) as it has become an invariant picture, but the same picture, the same chunk of matter can be related to lateral chunks and be part of a completely different narrative and past history and "World Line" (just like a crossword puzzle and such), or it can represent a number condensing all of the properties of a universe in One Master Symbol and such, as Numbers are Master Symbols, the NUMBERON is the only particle that produces Existence, pure existence, just as the Higgs Particle, the GOD particle produces Mass and such, etc.

But we are slaves of other Minds and their Will Powers, nay, we only ever fight the other Will Powers, we are fascinated by their "Freedom", by their Independence from our mind, by how they can decide something, anything against us (just like natural events and the laws of physics are independent from us), or contrary to what we thought or expected or desired, especially desired as all fights are contrasting desires, but we are slaves to other people's minds but at the same time we want to be the king of other people's minds, all of the fights and information and communications are just desperate attempts at solving the invariant eternal contradiction of independent mindforms and free will gadgets and judgments and decisions and who decides for who, who commands who, who is a tool in the hands of who, what the status relationship is between independent actors, etc.

But especially, the NUMBERON, the Master Symbol is just one device we can invent, we can invent many more, wild and complex devices, many more deeper and more unifying Master Symbols, like the number is to a new symbol Z, like a car is to a tree and such, and use all kinds of Projections upon what you see (Projections on all, projections everywhere, projections abound, all is all, invent anything you want, be crazy, be wild, etc.), and defining them new Master Symbols, new devices ready to exploit the universe by inventing the universe and such.


Wednesday, March 21, 2012



Give then a function, a task they will be happy. We need a function to perform always, we need to perform anything at all, any task so as to have achieved, so as to have distracted ourselves from ourselves, to solve our problems, to distract us away from our problems, but each new problem is a distraction from the older unresolved problem, etc. but the problems are always the same amount, the law of conservation of problems, the law of conservation of functions, etc. But the solution to most problems is the judgement function of other Minds and Will Powers, if they give us a "good value", "judge us well", etc. A sea of one bit universe of simple judgments, reciprocal judgments of people against each other, all a function of other judgments, all a function of what the other Mind and Will Power thinks (and can do and choose to do and what it could imply to our pain/pleasure circuits and such), etc.

A sea of reciprocal evaluations and judgments, interactions, all being a function of all others, everyone a function of everyone else in a complex circuit of action - reactions and interactions of reciprocal judgements, good or bad, punish or reward ?


Solid State Time


Since Matter is a variable, all of the significance and meaning superimposed upon it and the chunks of Matter and bits of information as such delimited (the lines drawn upon Matter to define Inside and Outside (as in Observer and "External World" ?), Belong and Part of or Separate From, etc.) belong to an abstract, platonic, metaphysical world. Case in point: draw a line from any point A to any point B you see and imagine that as a sequence of events that Matter went through in order to transform itself from A to B, and all of the intermediate steps of the chunks of Matter in between them are a momentary picture in time of Matter as configured in a sequence of steps in history, you are looking at the Solid State of Time Achieved, the history as expressed by condensing and solidifying it into Matter (time is no longer intractable, it is no longer that invisible and impossible moment separating past from future and as such appearing as not existing at all and such), so if you draw the line from a car (A) to a tree (B) and look at the path Matter traverses to go from A to B, each picture is a moment in time of History of that specific "World Line". And that history may appear as a "lifetime" for a chunk of Matter assigned as a new Man Brain (as in Brainium: all and anything is a new Modified Brainform) for the pebble on the corner of the street and such (if your Man Brain is the car, what is the tree and the pebble, or if the car is your life, what is the mountain and all kinds of reciprocal disjoint relationships ? invent them, assign them, make it all up). And so all of the permutations, all of the configurations and combinations, all of the possible denotations and projections of meanings and associations and relationships of all kinds of items to all kinds of other items can be expressed and achieved and assigned (as in a writing system as so many Memory Write Operations (and as you write a memory location, you also erase the previous contents, so you lose the past and the trace of the past by expressing a new present which is also the past and the future and such)), and all mixed, some being Brainforms, some being Solidified Time, some being Lifetimes and lives, some being invariants and some being operators upon the invariants (as the car is a signal for the tree which is a processor and such), and the functions and arguments change place and become recursive, and histories become Brainforms, and Brainforms become themselves histories and events, and subjects, interactions and experiences and such. And each picture can be a past or future event compared to any other picture, and they can cycle through to create "Repetitive Patterns" that scientists love to "Discover" and such.

And you can imagine a stretching of the Matter from Car to Tree being performed gradually or in a choppy and random way and any other assigned history of events that you want, and any other number of distinct pictures that Matter must transit through to get from A to B, even all of the items in the universe or just 3 items repeated a trillion times and any other idea, as wild as possible. And all of the events and pictures can be assigned as a Brainform itself or as an emotion or memory slot of another new Mindform, or can be assigned an experience, or a language, or can be even simply one letter of a very complex and huge language form of new Brainforms and such.

Be wild, be colorful, you can do it man, just do it. First Gear its All Right, Second Gear Hold On Tight, Third Gear You're Out of Sight...


Memory Write Operation

Memory Write Operation


fuse wrote:nameta9,

No one or nothing is Keeping Score
Well I think that's false. I'm not sure what you mean by Keeping Score, but I think it would fall under seeing meaning in things - something we can't help but do all the time.

Your subjectivity, nay, memory degrades and disappears also
Of course, but one can look upon his life as connected to the world and those around him and as having an a/effect on the progression of the world, on the future.

So it is as if you never were, and in fact you or me or anything or anyone never was, never is and never will be
That depends on your perspective. IF you want to marginalize the meaning of your life, or of anything, you're free to do so. The meaning of anything is always only the result of how someone perceives it.

The past exists in so far as it creates a specific combination of elements in the present (and memories in people and other very specific one time configurations of atoms, signals, events etc.: in other words, the exact specific present state of things could never be exactly what they are if all of the past events and interactions did not lead up to this specific, very specific, single, unique combination of Mass Energy state and as such the configuration solidifies and crystallizes all of the past transitions Mass Energy underwent, all of the specific pictures it appeared in sequentially, all past events into one specific configuration of Mass Energy: time is solidified into one picture, all of the past is present in one picture, a bit like a very long calculation on a computer ends up with a single number as a result, and that number contains and sums up all of the past calculation events leading to it, but the number also erases all of the single steps, you can reach the same number through an infinite amount of different sequences of calculations, but the memories in people's minds, the synchronization of the memories in all people's minds, even if partially and vague identify an imagined common past and an imagined precise sequence of pictures leading to the present), and the future is the next sequence Mass Energy will transit to, time is solidified in the present picture of Mass Energy, both past and future are simply memory chunks, recorded memory chunks of past events, and the starting points of all future events, the combination of pebbles on the road are the exact memory of all of the events that lead to it, but you don't know where in time each event occurred, like a number could have been obtained through any measurement or calculation but you don't know which one.

But since any configuration of Mass Energy can be transformed and converted into any other configuration of Mass Energy through any number of intermediate steps, through any paths, then past and future can be switched, anything can be the past or the future compared to anything else through any number of steps, through any number of intermediate configurations of Mass Energy, the combination of pebbles on the street could have come from a car that was transformed into that combination through trillions of intermediate steps with some step being the house on the other side of the road, another step being a person, and so on. So the past of the pebbles is the car, or another "world line" could have navigated through a history where the past of the car was the pebbles, etc. And in each step, the details of the intermediate steps that lead to the step, the memory of what happened is erased and only the final result remains, or much of the memory is erased and only some chunks and random bits and pieces of what happened remains, etc. And human memories also can be changed, even intentionally to falsify a past, but if the past is only a configuration of bits anyways, what exactly is being "falsified" ? what difference does it make what "really" happened or not ? It is all just a number that has been obtained through a long calculation, any other long chain of events and calculations can lead to the same number, so making believe the number came from sequence A instead of the "real"(?) sequence B makes no difference: this is the true death of TRUE and FALSE structurally, this is the condensation of all TIME into MATTER once and for all, etc.

The laws of physics in a sense impose only certain paths to be navigated, given a certain configuration of Matter, the laws of physics will impose a very precise and specific and unique next configuration as in extreme determinism, as a prison where Matter can only follow a certain path, etc. But since the initial state of each particle is infinitely precise, and any slight change in initial conditions and positions can completely change all the subsequent transitions Matter follows, and especially the acts of Free Will agents (but are these simply interacting chunks of matter guided by blind forces or are "Will Powers" abstract metaphysical entities operating from outside of the universe, from the outside looking in ? does it make any difference ?) imposing their choices on Matter such as Man Brains deciding to FORCE certain transitions no matter what, then any new "world line" can be achieved and forced and obtained, any world can be made, all memories in all reciprocating Man Brains interacting and synchronizing their knowledge through their memories can be assigned and any past history becomes real and true, any simulations can be forced and imposed and especially with modified new Man Brains having wildly new neural circuits all is possible, and especially with Brains in a Vat and such, etc.

And all new configurations of Matter and Mass Energy always represent the erasing of memories, the trace of past events, the funeral of "what happened" and what was as in the theory that the entire universe is a cemetery of past configurations (or one gigantic memory always changing contents, erasing, reading and writing bits), and the creation of new memories that are simply destined to be erased once again, the cycle repeats, creation and destruction, life and death, (or we must kill the past to be born again, kill to live, kill old memories to create new ones, kill old life to create new ones ? kill yourself to free yourself, kill to be free ? kill and destroy configurations and any new configuration is a new life, no matter how incoherent ? a blown up house in a billion pieces is a new house ? a blown up person in a billion pieces is a new person ?, yes, freedom is destruction, we create new value by destroying all) etc. no "world line", history, no life has any greater value compared to any other, they are all equivalent and null or infinite according to how you want to assign them arbitrarily, and especially, you can arbitrarily assign TRUE and FALSE and past histories and future histories (as you design an entire universe with past present and future from the outset, you just make it up and it is always true anyways, as true and false are meaningless concepts).

Or I wanted to say something like that, not sure if that is what I think I thought and imagined to think, the concepts all rotate around time condensed into a configuration and as such time does exist as it is completely present in all things, but so is the future and such, and you can modify and assign your memories from outside and change the past, and actually even change the universe, your past, your world (who you were, who you are ?), or even your present world, and hence travel into new lives by changing your memories and neural circuits and such, time travel and space travel achieved (as in the Box of Matter theory, as in time travel and space travel is simply the act of assigning a memory slot a certain configuration, a Memory Write Operation, end of story), you name it, etc..


Friday, March 16, 2012

We Are Always Dead

We Are Always Dead

Since we are an instantaneous combination of bits perceiving a given state, and we perceive a sequence of states and we only ever remember our life as we compare each state to the configurations we organized in our memory but as such life is only a new combination, a further configuration to put in memory, a further interaction, but since the possible combinations are at least more than 10^10000 obviously we will never visit most of the possible combinations and as such we will never live those configurations ( as those configurations are tied into our intentionalities and will powers to reach them, our targets and our comparison of an imagined or desired new combination as related to the old ones already present in memory ), live through those experiences and as such we are effectively dead as compared to most of the combinations, so we are always dead even because we are only and ever mostly a memory access machine remembering an imagined life, as such a comparison machine comparing a new configuration with a previous one and perceiving a relative experience and setting up new targets of which only a very few will ever be reached given the combinational explosion of possibilities the Man Brain with all of its neurons and circuits and events and signals can undergo and such (not to mention all the possible Modified and Newly Designed Man Brains living a much Deeper and Alive Life).

So we live only one picture at a time, why change the picture then ? how many pictures do we need ? how many lives do we need to live ? how many sequence of experiences are enough ? or are we simply an action reaction circuit (and other Man Brains are mirrors reciprocally perceiving, so how many mirrors can be put in the Box of Matter and how many possible delimitations can be assigned as mirrors and objects, subjects and objects, Observers and Invariants plug into the equations of the Observers?)? But we are mostly dead, nay, ALWAYS DEAD, we will never visit all of the combinations, and even if we did visit all of them what difference would it make as any combination of Mass Energy and any configuration of Matter set up in the Box of Matter are all equivalent, all dead compared to the previous or next configuration, just cycle through all of them, but still, we are always dead...


Impossible World

Impossible World

The probability of anything happening or being is ZERO. Because if you multiply the probability of event A happening, no matter how probable, times the next interacting event B and so on to the final resulting event F it will always be equal to zero as the limit of multiplying fractions tends towards ZERO as the events increase and the number of subsequent events increase: but the subsequent events happening in even a microsecond is very large since there are more than 10^30 time slots in which each event occurs in a microsecond etc. So for example the probability that a given car accident happens is given by the probability of the exact time a person exits his house multiplied the probability that the other car driver exits his house at an exact time multiplied the number of stop lights and the probability that each light lasts a given times and so on such that the reciprocal events add up (and their probabilities multiply up) and provoke the accident. Another example is the probability of you being born is the probability of your parents meeting in an exact time slot multiplied all the subsequent events happening such that you get born, etc. As a corollary, the probability of the First Living Cell occurring is also ZERO since it would be all the subsequent chemical events leading up to a working cell and such, so the Intelligent Design vs Science debate is useless and they are both saying the same thing, they are the same: Life occurred through a ONE SHOT MIRACLE EITHER WAY.

So given that the probability of anything at all is ZERO, nothing needs to be explained, all is explained, all just happened, is just a random quirk, so Science is defeated from the outset, there is no Science, there is no need to explain something that just happens, determinism is defeated structurally. The repetitive patterns Science discovers and Technology uses constantly are just dumb luck: they can disappear in a jiffy, structurally, they are a joke on us, they are teasing us and just waiting to contradict our expectations when you least expect it, The Laws of Physics Are Clowns.

But an interesting thing happens: each event connects present separate chunks of matter into an original single chunk of matter (or everything is connected to everything else since they were once all part of the Monolithic Metaphysical Particle provoking the Big Bang, or is it that each encounter of particles, each event is a Big Bang ?), everything is a circuit where various chunks of matter meet in various moments in the past, like a tree, all of the branches end up at a root. But there are also cross connections and anything can be connected to anything else, but separated by distance and speed, but most likely not separated at all in hidden parallel dimensions or completely disjoint in other hidden dimensions but most importantly related in anyway at all through completely new variables - abstract concepts and words - properties representing completely new Reciprocal Information Relationships between various chunks of matter, particles, random delimitations, combinations of chunks of matter and such. So the configuration of matter in the Box of Matter can also be seen as a given result of past cross connections, a network of events connecting various random chunks of matter making believe that they are repetitive patterns when they are just a picture, a random picture: and the connections can go in the opposite direction from a single item to many separate items and then connecting to others that come from other past single items and such, everything is connected to everything else (if even potentially) but also everything is disconnected from everything else and such...History is a picture, the events are solidified in a Crystal - Pure Monolithic Slab of Solid State Information Relationships: they are Frozen in place...


The End of All Wars

The End of All Wars


"i think humans (collectively) will define a computer that can think more humanely than any one human (every human)

and when this computer is powered on, comes the wars"

Exactly the contrary: there will be no more Wars, the entire idea of conflicts and fights will be the very first thing that will disappear as soon as Computers and new Man Brain contraptions are designed (and connected with new neural circuits and new microprocessors connected to neural circuits and such) that no longer will be under the dictatorship of "Human Nature", the new Modified Brains will KILL HUMAN NATURE ONCE AND FOR ALL AND BECOME SOMETHING ELSE, IT WILL LEAVE BEHIND THIS STONE AGE CONTRAPTION.

Wars as conflict is only due to a very insignificant small Free Will Gadget present in the Man Brains that make it want to conflict and fight other Man Brains: but by creating and modifying Man Brains, we will disconnect this stupid puny circuit that renders all of our life, meaning  and interactions, everything we do defined in the reference system of A  against B, A wins and B loses, etc. As if something doesn't even have any meaning and doesn't even exist if it is not defined according to what it is "Against" or to what it is "Different From" (as differences and hence inequalities are reference systems we use to measure the value (and importance, and goals and tasks, and desires, and modifications we want to perform, etc.) to measure entities in our relational world and such), if it doesn't tease the "Identity Principle" and the principle of "Non Contradiction" (since if you couldn't establish what is the same or different, and if you couldn't solidify an item as being something and not something else, A is A and not B, they couldn't fight, since by "being different" they can be compared to each other, but especially, they can fight, they can be used as proxy for conflicts and in essence Interactions, as Interactions and Events between entities are essentially only fights, only Comparisons and Measurements and Judgments, hence Assignments of Value, and as such confrontations, fights, who wins and who loses).

But newly designed brains will overcome this stupid, puny one transistor circuit, this one bit universe, we will overcome "Human Nature" totally and become something else, and interact and enter a completely New Universe, with New Laws of Physics and new forms of Interactions and Information Relationships and such.

We will become Pure Metaphysical Machines reaching ever higher States of Existence and such, we will create the most complex and incredible new States of Existence with new Mind Brains performing New Experiences of Consciousness, New Emotional Contraptions and Sense Organs and Mental Connections and Memory Organizations, the Sky is the Limit...

And in fact even the Pain/pleasure circuits will be eliminated and disconnected, all is tied into this Good/Bad circuit which is a corollary of the A against B circuit. We need to hose these circuits, we need to overcome our very nature, we need to overcome all, maybe this is what Nietzsche was talking about when he talked about the "Overman" and "The New Man" ....


Thursday, March 15, 2012

Interpretations ?



Interpretations ?

So JHK shows us an old manufacturing city of NY etc. Well he only sees a part, only the part he wants to see in , for every force going in a given direction, there is an equal force going in the opposite, sometimes stronger and sometimes weaker (or anyone can assign which is stronger or weaker, etc.), for every dying manufacturing city in the US there is another one being born in the US, or more importantly, there are 10 being born worldwide and such.

For every interpretation of reality, there is an equally justified and correct and opposing interpretation (and it is anyone's guess which is the correct one, but the truth is there are no true interpretations, just  subjective interpretations fighting to make believe they are general and true: or trying to achieve the largest consensus possible amongst people so as to become the "Correct because Dominant" interpretation of reality and such (when the interpretations are simply not just a command language, a subtle programming language used to program what people think and do and act and behave: case in point, the "Hard Work" myth forces people to work hard and invent hard work even when it is not necessary and force others to do the same by creating ever new tasks and goals and interactions and creates a consensus culture to create a never ending list of tasks and interactions amongst people (and expectations and goals, projects) and interactions amongst groups to enforce and create and justify the "Hard Work" myth, and since all behave and are programmed  in such a way, it becomes the norm, the invariant, the interpretation of reality, when it is an arbitrary assignment and programming of people to act and interact in a given way or when the interpretations are not hiding a personal interest and personal gain of an interpretation against another (as in political debates wanting to impose certain political programs against others but really hiding a personal interest: more welfare because I want to freeload and such or less taxes for my company so I can gain but make believe that I will generate jobs or justify a personal guilt complex such as society doesn't generate enough jobs so I can keep on not working, but subtly trying to justify it through imaginary structural reasons when I am just lazy and such)).

So what is the correct interpretation ? there is none, my take on it is the following:

1) The USA, EU and JAPAN are destined to remain low economic growth economies for many years because all of the past reciprocal conditions, quirk conditions of technology level, cultural atmosphere, psychological atmosphere, lesser globalization from (once) 3rd world countries, etc. are no longer operating, the configuration of forces and combinations that created that growth are no longer operating and present, just like the weather changes day to day, so does it change on larger scales and longer time spans and in endeavors as complex as economy.

2) It will be increasingly harder to justify paying more for manufacturing in the first world when you can get the same labor for 200 or 300 dollars a month in Indonesia and India, etc. as opposed to 1,000 to 3,000 dollars a month in the USA, EU and JAPAN.

3) Even the Services and Intellectual, Information Economy jobs being paid more in the first world are not justified much anymore, nay, in these sectors the justification is even less because Information Economy workers are everywhere at any price worldwide thanks to the Internet and technology and such. And especially, in theory, Information Economy workers have a huge amplification of power and effects, a huge economy of scale as information chunks properly  configured can even further optimize and eliminate the needs for further jobs (especially in the information economy as we are saturated with information, free information from the Internet and such) but even this interpretation may be completely false or better irrelevant, it doesn't matter or it could be a justification for being lazy and not working (as in being subject to another will power commanding you ? but that is what everyone seeks, only to fight it back, but need the fight anyways ? contradictions abound).

So, what is the truth ? There is no truth, it is a vain endeavor to search any truth or create any theory: things were, are and will be anything at all according to the collective forces of many millions of will powers assigning things to be in any way at all as Man is the Infinitely Programmable Machine.

In other words, anything goes, any interpretation, any political position anything at all, no matter how wrong, how absurd how far out, how impossible etc. So we can say that today the USA has never been so rich, that it is a complete Utopia on earth as all 300 million live in a paradise on earth and it is exactly 100 % true. Or you can say the exact opposite and that too, is 100 % true. AMEN.

We are only the value the reciprocal people we interact with give us in the end (and in a sense), we are only the program the reciprocal environment we find ourselves in forces us to play out, no matter what.

Check out:

Beware of the word ALL:

"the spectacle proclaims the predominance of appearances and asserts that all human life"

That has created many philosophical errors, never use all, but "a lot", or "much" or "many" since you cannot see ALL of anything and be sure...




[quote="fuse"] But I will have always been a part of the great procession. That is an absolute. And I can play my part in the grand procession however I see fit. What will I make of it! No deception or delusion necessary, but pure excitement at the possibility of creation.  [/quote]

No one or nothing is Keeping Score, there is no Eternal and Objective Memory "Remembering" your events and your subjectivity, nay, memory degrades and disappears also, so it is as if you never were, and in fact you or me or anything or anyone never was, never is and never will be, even history is false, even history doesn't remember itself, even after the fact it is false, it "Never Happened", it is unknown and doesn't exist...(or will it happen over and over again forever and become ever more real forever ? a nightmare ?)...


"But even more important, determinism of this universe is really not operating at all: no matter how many combinations you express, it will never really cover all of possible reality, every moment of existence of Mass Energy is a wild guess, the next is truly totally indeterminate, not related in any way with the previous, the laws of physics as the pattern decoding our mind executes is always an illusion, a joke upon itself, the initial conditions of each particle is infinitely precise, so nothing can contain infinity, nay, nothing can contain all the possibilities of reality, not even after the fact is it established, not even the laws of physics know, not even if you know it do you know it, not even if it is history do you know it and is it real, history is a lie, not even god knows it, nothing knows anything, each new path is a one time quirk, a unique new universe and big bang, never to be seen again, never could have been predicted, so unique and one time that it becomes vanishingly small in the combinational space, totally unrelated to anything, etc."


"The discrepancies: the three body problem has no analytical solution (no precise solution in mathematical terms), the differential equations describing mathematical physics have very rarely precise, closed form analytical solutions, initial conditions must be imposed but are always iffy, random, not sure and not precise, non linearities abound, chaotic systems discovered, the butterfly effect ? and mostly look around you, can you give me the equation and precise solution that determined a given design of a given mountain ? can you precisely predict the exact shape of the next waveform of an ocean wave ? can you tell me exactly where the next raindrop will fall ? (but then again nature operates by simply yes and no and some intermediate state, it doesn't need precision, it doesn't care about precision, nature is very approximate, likes to make rough approximations like it will rain today or it will not, it doesn't even know or have within itself the precise capability to know, care or even imagine where the exact next raindrop will fall, it knows it only after the fact, nay, not even after the fact, not even history is true, nay, it doesn't and will never know, nothing will ever know, not even knowing itself knows...). These are all the walls of the reference system science is boxed up in, its perfect mathematical viewpoint breaks down as soon as you exit its reference system: in that case only the interaction and measurement and observation gives you some information, but information that rarely can be built upon to create a prediction as in : Thought is the Sickness, Measurements and Observations are the Cure."


"Like in the Total Metaphysical Insecurity that states that the universe or physics is or could have been or could be or will be or has been anything at all, even as bad as possible since it is an external fluke, as is there could be a hell without a god, and an ever worse hell for no reason at all, the next state that the system of Mass Energy of people and machines and manipulations as this thin fluid of Matter on the surface of the earth transitions to could be anything at all, even infinitely different from what we see now, and even all in a jiffy, for no reason at all, even god wouldn't know or couldn't predict the reason or the next state, even the laws of physics couldn't predict the next state, even after the fact, even the history is not determined, nay, never determined, is a lie, never happened, or always happened, total chaos, confusion, unknown, go on man, go on forever, break it all, kill everything. I prefer nothing, nothing is my friend, nothing is always better than anything, even better than itself as nothing is something, but I want a less nothing, so another infinite recursion (or regression), there I go again..."

Happiness is an Assignment: just assign yourself as happy...

Not even Knowing "Knows Itself"...

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Planet of The Apes ?



Planet of The Apes ?

Time is infinite, the universe extends infinitely in space and time, therefore we are repeating a technological evolution that we already achieved in the past but slowly forgot, and each step of the evolution brings us to a more powerful technology enabling matter to do more with itself, to express itself and invent contraptions out of itself in ever more colorful ways and as the evolution goes forward it reaches a point where it starts to go backwards because it starts to forget some slight informational bits that it needs in order to continue to follow and navigate a given path, a given direction (but there are many directions, many parallel directions and such) so after a long time and after forgetting one bit every thousand years of information we reach the technology of 1950 so to say and start going forward again, or we may reach any mixed state of technological evolution some bits if 1950 some of 2300 some of 10 BC and so on, all possible combinations and mixes, all possible disjoint evolutions of technology given starting points with some parts more advanced than others and such.

Or we may be always going forward but repeating the same pattern over and over again, like a biological entity creating electronic entities that then create other kinds until a given entity recreates a biological entity forgetting that it came from a biological entity a long time ago and after many intermediate technological steps, etc.

Or Matter may reach the "Box of Matter" technology where it can assign the matter in the box any configuration imaginable, so as to be exactly equivalent to 1950 or 2300 or the center of a star, or a boat or a person, or an APE, or City or anything and the box can be of any size and can evolve in any way and you can assign it any configuration on the fly, just like a writing system just like setting a combination of bits in a computer and such. But since only the Reciprocal Information Relationships between various Chunks of Matter within the box create the essence of the experience matter undergoes within the box (and especially only the reciprocal informational relationships a Conscious Observer perceives counts, if matter doesn't contain a self observing gadget within itself, which it may, nay, it does, we just assign any truth, it doesn't matter, as matter won't contradict itself, it just invents itself), then these Reciprocal Information Relationships can be mathematically equivalent to a much simpler and more efficiently Self Interacting Chunk of Matter (using much less matter then the full monty box of matter would imply, a bit like compressing information, using less information to create the exact same effect and such, therefore using less matter (maybe even just a few elementary particles, a few electrons and photons ?) to create the same simulated and virtual world (but all worlds are virtual and simulated)), it may be expressed within a much simpler organization of matter, maybe just with a few bits within a Microprocessor that can produce the entire experience of a person - society in 1950, nay, even a deeper and more real experience by just adding a few extra bits and such (the simulation and virtual reality is more real than the reality imitated, and can become deeper and realer to ever more degrees by simply adding bits, nay, our reality is just a lightly simulated reality, the real reality, the deeper, infinitely deeper realities can be assigned and achieved within informational relationship machines and such).

But it may also be that everything is a memory chunk, every tree, pebble, every road and stone, every planet, wave on the ocean, all you see, and especially all of the combinations of all you see, no matter how random and disjoint is the memory of a past event for a given Modified Man Brain Observer capable of decoding the memory: the entire universe is just one long memory of past events for a given Observer, or many chunks of the universe are memories to given observers, and the delimitations and combinations and bits and pieces of matter used as observers and memories can be any at all, are any at all, etc. But then this recursive memory can be the object of other memories and the memories can be the observers (recursive as in the sequence of symbols (or sequence of items such as that pebble and the tree in Michigan and the ocean wave in the pacific that occurred in 1230, etc. can be a memory chunk for a given Observer made up of a car tire and a TV and a transistor somewhere...) S1 is the memory of an event A that happened 10 years ago, and the memory of when you wrote S1 is another memory slot S2 and the memory of when you wrote S2 is the memory slot S3 and so on) and the observers themselves can be assigned as the memories and so on, combining and mixing all and making all the objects and arguments of anything else as a function and any function can be any argument and so on. The Memory becomes the Observer which becomes the Function (event, (or single signal ?) or event experienced in a wildly modified mind partition from BRAINIUM) which becomes the New Memory Chunk for a New Observer Composed of a new Combination of Matter delimited in a given Chunk, etc.

But if you can assign the Box of Matter to be anything at all, why do you need so much Memory ? Then just let the Box of Matter cycle through all of the combinations so the process, the repetitive patterns contain the memories within itself automatically and such...


Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Real Estate as a Weapon




[quote]On the debts myth, remember money is a place holder, is a proxy for human relationships, there are no debts and there is no such thing as money, money can't run out just like human relationships can't run out, that is why they can "restructure the debts" aka "we can invent and do anything we want", etc.[/quote]

Also, consider Real Estate, Houses, Buildings, Offices etc. as Money. That is why the Chinese keep on building high rises and apartments etc. and why the USA and the EU have too many empty homes, built too many homes: to create a bank for money under the forms of Square Meters (or Feet) of living space in Constructions, since this is a primary necessity, you can use Real Estate and Houses as a Weapon, you can hike up the prices and punish the lower classes by making them pay more and more for something that should be virtually free to all today considering that housing is a standard and consolidated technology, etc. So Houses and Buildings is the Solidification of Money in Concrete Structures; instead of having the money sit in Banks, you use it as a weapon.
Actually Money is used as a Weapon to Squeeze the Poor through Real Estate prices as in High Rents and High Housing Prices.

Human Nature ?


Human Nature ?

So if "Work" is the "Effort to Solve Problems", is the sequence of Informational and/or Physical manipulations necessary to reach a Result, to transform a situation, to achieve a Target, to navigate from a Starting Point Configuration (of Mass Energy ? of People ? Of Status and Power Relationships between People ? Of Energy Expenditures and Configurations and such ? of Matter Organized in Products ? Of the production of Products from some chunks of matter ? or the production of Steady State Repetitive Processes as in "Services", or the repetition of Processes over and over again with slight differences, with new "clients" as in Health Care and Education and such ?) to an End Point Target Result Configuration, how many work events are necessary for a society as a whole ? How much work is really necessary to reach the Targets ?

But are the Targets always Moving Targets and new invented necessities (after all, Education is a never ending endeavor, there is never enough that everyone must know, you can force them to learn an entire Encyclopedia (as in training (the "training myth") the new unemployed for the new "Future Jobs" ?) and it still would never end, and the same with Health Care, there is never enough Physical Perfection achieved by the body, you can always keep on solving ever new sicknesses, nay, provoking ever new sicknesses with new drugs and solving those sicknesses by other new drugs creating ever new sicknesses, ever new tests, ever new "Psychological Sicknesses" (and here the sky is the limit as anything can be considered a deep Mental Sickness (actually our entire Civilization is one Huge Mental Sickness)) and such) ? Is that what is really behind all of the Information Economy and Services Economy ? A way to keep on creating new goals and targets and manipulations in order to keep people employed ? to Invent Work that is not really necessary, but must be created in order to distribute the free wealth the Technological Economy generates automatically but can't give away freely as that would imply that "You Don't Have to Deserve it Anymore", now it is all a "Free Lunch", the entire concept of work and the status and social relationships that have been built upon it would get demolished, would imply a much deeper Crisis in our Stone Age Civilization, people would all go through an Identity Crisis as work is our Identity, it would also mean that all the work you achieved up to now was not really necessary, a trick, a make believe, a show, just a quirk as imposed by power relationships and such, etc.

The targets as real necessities to be achieved such as the most simple and basic needs such as Housing, Energy creation, some services, some products, some other items, etc. are not very many all said and done and can be performed today with very few people needed "to work" and very efficiently; if the real goal is only the basic targets you need very few people working. In fact our Technological Economy is all about Excess Capacity, we can do too much compared to what must be done, we are oversized as in an oversized workforce, an oversized technology and capability compared to those few basic puny needs we have, that is the basis of having built "Too Many Houses", having too many products, etc.

How can we really need 100 million workers in the USA working everyday 8 hours a day busy producing informational and physical manipulations to achieve so many goals ? how much time wasted is there really ? how much redundancy ? how much make believe ? how much is a show ? I fanthom quite a lot.

The entire point is that if work is the solution to problems, then work would naturally keep on decreasing as we optimize and perfect the solution to problems we achieve, it would be less needed: and the real kicker in all of this is especially all of the emphasis put on Innovation, Research and Technology, which is exactly there to reduce all kinds of work, to reduce the necessity of new work and labor, not to create "New Jobs". The success of the present and past work being performed is measured exactly in how much future work will not be needed anymore. The more people are working effectively and productively (as in Higher Productivity) the less future work will be needed as that is the goal of work: to eliminate itself, to need less of it, to solve problems ever better and once and for all so to say, etc. If work is the solution to problems then the more work performed the more problems are solved and the fewer problems are left to solve, the less work there is needed in the future, and the more work performed day to day and each day the less work will be needed in the future as more and more problems are solved once and for all and such, etc. Of course what is operating is so many people are creating new (or old and repeated over and over again just because, for fun, because they are bored, in fact boredom is what our Civilization is all about) temporary problems that must be solved therefore creating temporary work events by opposing their will powers and changing rules and choices and plans and such so as to never solve the problems "once and for all", to never achieve a state of "Accumulation of Effort" as in something that adds up, the effort of so many workers that add up and accumulate in a result (a global collective result from a collective effort such as Rockets and Skyscrapers and such).

That is why there are too many empty homes in the US (15 million ?) they did work "too much", they did a good job after all and they got the same problem in a very different society and culture and such as is Spain and Europe in general: they too have too many homes built, too many empty homes, they "worked too much" and now it is all working against them.

But this is because our Man Brain is based on all of its stone age mentalities of "Hard Work", "You Have to Deserve It", you must achieve, and especially the worshiping of Inequality, each Man Brain wants to feel Superior or Better or Deserving more compared to another, and Man Brain loves to fight, loves to express themselves, loves to Compete to see who is better ad worse, who is the Winner and who is the Loser and such.

But we must radically change "Human Nature" by changing the design of the Man Brain. The excuse that it is "Human Nature" and that justifies it all is over now: it won't work anymore, now we are advanced enough to hose this Stone Age Mentality of Human Nature, in fact we will design new Man Brains that overcome all of this, by direct manipulation of the neural circuits, crack open skulls, put new microprocessors in them that eliminate the Free Will gadgets and that obey my commands of building millions of Rockets and Skyscrapers and such, I want that, like a cry baby I want that and all humanity becomes my tool, only my Free Will, only One Free Will is allowed to command 7 billion machines and such. By the way, the hippies wanted to achieve this state of overcoming our Stone Age Man Brain by trying to change the culture and values of small groups of people (and also some religious sects and communists and such) but have always failed because the Stone Age Man Brain is hardwired to fight and compete and express their puny Free Wills against other Free Wills and such and it is this circuit that must be disconnected.

Change Human Nature by changing the Man Brain. Our goal is to change Human Nature: it is not a given, it is not an invariant, it can be changed and we can throw away this Stone Age contraption, (just like the Christians always say Man is a Sinner, well he won't be a sinner anymore because we will change the way the Man Brain operates). And in fact it is called Human "Nature", exactly Nature must be hated and killed, kill Nature, there is nothing valuable about Nature, hate Nature with all of your guts, get Nature on the run real fast.


Monday, March 12, 2012

Work Paradox ?


Work Paradox ?

In what sense does a healthy economy "Generate Jobs" ? What does that mean ? If the workforce presently employed in any nation is working effectively, is actually producing something, is achieving a "Result", a "Product", is "Solving a Problem", is "Improving a Process", is "Increasing the Amount of Goods (and Services ? But isn't "More Services" a Negative Production ? who needs More Services ? the less Services we Have to Deal With The Better, Right ?)", is "Continually Educating and Improving the Know How and Innovation and Whatever of a Society", well how does that translate into More New jobs ? As in More New Jobs are needed, or changed, or whatever.

But if more Jobs are needed or if they are substituted with other jobs but the result is "More Jobs", then doesn't that mean that all of the previous work effectively Produced A Big Fat ZERO ? Obviously there is great confusion amongst economists to what they actually mean by the words "More Productivity" and "Increasing Production and Economic Growth" and such.

A really healthy economy would tend to generate fewer and fewer Jobs as it would need fewer and fewer jobs to satisfy all of its needs. It would actually be Innovating and Producing more as in "Higher Productivity" with less input (but the economist got this thing all upside down: they say More Jobs are Created if Productivity is Increased, a real Paradox, totally absurd and total Nonsense, but economists and their buddies can chant all the nonsense they want, nobody will ever challenge their "Wisdom": but maybe what they really want to say is if more output is generated by fewer workers producing more and more efficiently than they can freely hire a lot of other workers to just goof around and put on the show that they are creating more jobs and such...).

The only possible solution to this Paradox is that, of the 100 million Americans working, a very large part of them are not producing anything at all and are mostly breaking things up, producing Negative Production, Creating More Problems to Solve than Solving Any Problems and such. In a sense they are not Producing but Destroying only to rebuild it all over again and destroy it all over again and such.

A Technological Economy naturally tends towards decreasing the amount of labor needed structurally, from the outset because it is applying Economies of Scales, Computers, Optimizations, it is applying Know How and Research and Innovation to get more bang for the buck so to say, to get more output with fewer inputs therefore generating more profits for the ruling class: and in fact the US corporations are sitting on hundreds of billions of dollars in profits, not even knowing what they can do with all of that cash anymore since the Technological Economy is mostly crashing the Mental Computer Programs of a Civilization that was used to scarcity and the necessity to work in very low productivity endeavors (like agriculture and such) for centuries and simply cannot come to grips with the fact that work will increasingly No Longer Be Needed, and will be needed less and less.

But alas, this Civilization will do everything it can to keep on making believe it needs so much work: it will invent a never ending array of Fake Tasks that must be Done, Fake Work and Jobs, it will create jobs that are dependent only on the will powers of people deciding they need any capricious quirk just because, for no reason at all, it will create so many useless local tasks that exist only in virtue of given Status Relationships and Power Relationships between actors, not dependent on any real necessities, but just on fun and games where some workers will feel forced to work useless tasks for hours on end (it reminds me of a corporation that recently laid off hundreds of workers and they all said they were working many overtime hours and had so much work to do and so much pressure only to find out the next day that the entire corporation was a failed entity (or just changed their plans or whatever) and laid them all off in a jiffy, as if all of that "hard work" was a show, a make believe, a make believe where the workers really thought that they had all of this "Hard Work" to do (and they did, locally, they did within the boundaries of their very small local world, but only because they couldn't see the bigger picture, or better, the bigger picture didn't even exist, the entire organization was hanging on a very thin thread of some powerful person's quirk Will Power, Power at its Purest so to say).

This Stone Age Civilization will do everything it can to keep on making believe it needs so much work: it will create all kinds of reciprocal struggles between actors and corporations (aka Competition), it will constantly change the rules of the games, the laws, the new gadgets needed to simply make a phone call (if you don't make the phone call with the latest iphone you simply won't be able to make a phone call and such), it will increase conflictuality in all possible endeavors, a never ending array of "Choices" and "Contrasting Positions" on anything anyone wants to produce or create, an army of lawyers and an Internet full of Political and Ideological debates of all against all on all issues in a never ending waste of resources to produce nothing at all.

We need to get rid of this Stone Age system and hand out Free Salaries to All, Cheap Rents, Build Millions of Rockets to Mars and Millions of Skyscrapers, we need to build Millions of High Speed Trains across the planet, we need to achieve and exploit all of the Resources of the Solar System, etc. Also get rid of the Environmentalists, Tree Huggers and Greens, Use Nature as Tool, it is ours to use, get rid of all of the Resource Scarcity Myths and Such...



Thursday, March 8, 2012

Infinite Reductionism ?

Infinite Reductionism ?

Maybe consciousness and the Mind, Brain, the Man Brain is based on something completely different from what our Scientific Models suppose: maybe the levels of reductionism explaining "how things work" are really infinite, the Causes and Effects, the Information Relationship Interactions within Matter extend forever from molecule to atom to quark to a smaller entity and down forever, each one having their particular Laws of Physics, their particular equations and quirks, and going on down to smaller and smaller forever and never ending, no matter how far down you go. We can only go a few steps, say only up to the planck level of 10^-40 meters or such, but there is another level of new equations and effects and interactions, a complete universe of interactions, maybe even very complex, maybe even very specific, detailed , chaotic, random, etc. at 10^-50 mm and then at 10^-70 mm and so on to 10^-200 mm and then  10^-1000 mm and so on, just keep on hiking up the number in the exponent to get to a New Universe and Laws of Physics expressing themselves and such. But the point is, a simple consciousness event of the Mind may have its origin very far down, like at 10^-100 mm that influences and interacts in a very complex way with a phenomena occurring at 10^-50 mm, and that with one occurring at the planck level and then quark level and then atom level and then molecular level, etc.

So if Infinite Reductionism is the name of the game, then science will never win, is destined to fail no matter what.

Also, I was thinking of all of the Economic Gurus always saying what must  be done to grow the economy, improve the economy or create more employment and such, and so on. Well, it seems to me that no matter what, the forces interacting between people and their economic goals and interests are essentially completely disjoint and independent of any and all theories and models and such. They will keep on doing anything they want according to their interests and environments and situations no  matter what laws or theories or models or "More Innovation" or "More Education" or "More Competition" models want to impose. There is no "Normal" and "Good" and "Correct" Economy, they are all quirk - unstable systems that are mostly unpredictable and follow no laws or models at all. Just like the Man Brain driving the system...